UAB Afrido Invest provides professional solutions in the field of furniture, wood, glass and metal painting services. While operating, the company has successfully implemented a number of small and large projects, brought together a large number of business and private customers.

Our activities

The company's activities are based on the latest technological solutions, so, to harmonize the innovation and experience of its team, the company brought together young, qualified employees having extensive experience, whose skills are constantly improved. We are ready to provide you with the best service, ensure the quality of work, quick decision-making and professional approach to the client. We strive to ensure the highest quality at a reasonable price.

Our activities:

  • MDF, solid wood, boards, plywood painting with glossy, matte, pearl paint.
  • We use Becker Acroma, Milesija, Tikkurila, Sadolin, Akzhonobel and other paints.
  • We combine colours according to NCS, RAL, Tikkurila, ICA colour ranges.
  • We stain, varnish, age, polish, trim R1.5 to R9 radius edges.
  • We produce curved facades.
  • We cut, glue and mill MDF.
  • We polish painted parts.